May 15-16, 2025 — Belgrade, Serbia
V-International Congress
of Mesotherapy Experts
Make a valuable contribution into your professional future!
  • 20+ countries
    Participating in our Mesocongress are: Kazakhstan, Tunisia, France, Great Britain, Estonia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Algeria and others!
  • 3 languages
    The event is held in 3 languages: Russian, English and French (simultaneous translation with headphones).
  • 25+ speakers
    Famous doctor-speakers from around the world share their knowledge at our event!
  • 250+ participants
    More than 250 people take part in the Mesocongress!

The International Congress of experts in mesotherapy is an annual event for young cosmetologists starting their career in cosmetology, for professionals who value the quality and safety of the procedure and are ready to share their knowledge, experience, clinical cases and best practices.

The congress is held annually in different countries of the world.

We see our MISSION in continuing the work started by Michel Pistor and his first student Philippe Petit to develop the method of mesotherapy around the world and strive to promote and popularize this method and modern substances used in mesotherapy to expand the capabilities of the cosmetologist, as well as to increase the social status and role of aesthetic medicine in General medicine for the prevention and treatment of such dermatological diseases as: dermatosis, acne, rosacea, alopecia, cellulite, and skin aging.

We carry out our mission with the support of Philippe Petit, involving his students, followers, and friendly specialized public organizations in cooperation, and with the help of Co-Organizers of Congresses in different countries of the World, with the hope that in these countries similar events will be held in the future with the further popularization of the method.

  • Philippe Petit

    Head of the scientific program of the Congress.

    First student, colleague, right hand of Michel Pistor - the founder of mesotherapy. Founder and President of the World Anti-Aging Mesotherapy Society (WAAMS). President of the International Society of Mesotherapy from 1998 to 2007. President of the French Society of Mesotherapy from 1994 to 2001. Founder of the Inter-University Mesotherapy Diploma Program at the University of Bordeaux. Speaker of international conferences. Honorary member of the National Society of Mesotherapy. Honorary member of the Kazakhstan Society of Mesotherapy.

  • Natalia Mikhaylova

    The congress program manager is Natalia Mikhaylova,

    dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Skin Diseases and Cosmetology of faculty of additional professional education of RNIMU named after N. I. Pirogov, scientific director of the Martinex company, member of the scientific committee of the VISAGE postgraduate education program (France), chief physician of the "Reforma" clinics, president of the National Society of Mesotherapy (NSM), president of the Eurasian Association of Injection Methods Specialists (EAIMS), Academic Director of the International Academy of Aesthetic Medicine of Natalia Mikhaylova, member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), editor of the Les Nouvelles Esthétiques, Injection Cosmetology, Lasers & Aesthetics magazines (MEDESTETIC PRESS Publishing House).

Invitation from Doctor Stankovic to the V Mesocongress

This event was created for professionals who want to constantly develop, learn new things, expand the list of their services in order to make their clients happy and healthy.

Through our event, we:

  • We promote and support the importance of the mesotherapy method at the international level;
  • We preserve the base of practical knowledge that mesotherapy experts have and contribute to their transfer to a new generation of cosmetologists, mesotherapists;
  • We create a professional platform for the meeting of mesotherapy experts from different countries to exchange experience, transfer knowledge and train young professionals;
  • We create a professional platform for the promotion of modern and effective mesotherapy products, injection techniques and combined methods to maintain the result of mesotherapy.

This event is SUPPORTED BY international companies:
  • UNESCO International Institute of Microelements, France
  • World Anti-Aging Mesotherapy Society (WAAMS), Aquitaine
  • International Research Center for Innovative Technologies «MITSIT MARTINEKS», Russia
  • International Academy of Aesthetic Medicine of Natalya Mikhailova, Russia
  • Interregional public organization of botulinum treatment specialists, Russia
  • Kazakhstan Association of Dermatovenerologists and Dermatocosmetologists, Kazakhstan
  • Eurasian Association of Injection Techniques Specialists (EOSIM)
  • National Society of Mesotherapy (NSM), Russia
  • All-Ukrainian public organization «Union of Mesotherapists» (UMU), Ukraine
  • Tunisian Association of Biotherapy (SoTuBio), Tunisia
  • The Society of Mesotherapy of the United Kingdom (SoMUK), Great Britain
  • The Society of Mesotherapy of South-Africa (SoMZA), South-Africa
  • Entreprise italienne activement impliquée dans la production de dispositifs médicaux jetables — RI.MOS., Italie, Mirandola
  • International Association of Mesotherapy (IAM), Poland
  • German Society of Mesotherapy (DGM), Germany
  • Bota LLC Initiative group, Belarus
  • Almus EST OÜ Company, Estonia
  • Cosmoprof Company, Uzbekistan
  • MARTINEX Company, Russia
  • TEKOM Company, Kazakhstan
  • Training Center "TEKOM", Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Society of Mesotherapy


The Kazakhstan Society of Mesotherapy is developing the method of mesotherapy in Kazakhstan and increasing the status and role of cosmetologists who use mesotherapy in their practice, through their training on safe drugs.

The President of KOMTI is Nelly Dilyaverovna Markova.

In order to attract great attention to the mesotherapy method in Kazakhstan among cosmetologists, clinics, manufacturers and the population, as well as for the professional development and exchange of experience of cosmetologists, KOMTI organizes and conducts professional events of various scales and formats at the local, republican and international levels, such as: Congresses, conferences, exhibitions, symposiums and workshop sessions with the participation of the best teaching practitioners from Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

Markova Nelly Dilyaverovna
President of KOMTI
  • Philippe Petit

    Head of the scientific program of the Congress. Student, colleague, right hand. Michel Pistor - the founder of mesotherapy. Doctor of aesthetic medicine. Founder and President of the World Anti-Aging Mesotherapy Society (WAAMS), speaker at international conferences. Honorary Member of the National Society of Mesotherapy (NOM). Honorary member of the Kazakhstan Society of Mesotherapy (KOMTI).

  • Natalia Mikhaylova

    Head of the scientific program of the Congress. Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenereologist, doctor of aesthetic medicine. Leading researcher at the International Research Center for Innovative Technologies. President of the National Society of Mesotherapy (NOM) and the Eurasian Association of Specialists of Injection Methods (EOSIM).

  • Mohammed Ali Farah

    Doctor of aesthetic medicine. President of the Tunisian Biotherapy Association (SoTuBio). Member of the Teaching Board of the University Diploma Program in Mesotherapy of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Marseille.

    International speaker since 1988. President of the International Society of Mesotherapy. President of the Organizing Committee of the 15th International Congress of the International Society of Mesotherapy (ICM 2019, Tunisia).

  • Philip Hamida-Pisal
    Great Britain

    A doctor of aesthetic medicine, specializing in dermatology. He is the founder and managing director of PHP Aesthetic and PHP Wellness, divisions of PHP Health First. President of the Mesotherapy Society of the United Kingdom (SoMUK), co-director of the Mesotherapy Society of South Africa (SoMZA), partner of the Mesotherapy Society of Ukraine (SoMUA). Skin care consultant and consultant for modeling agencies in London and Paris.

  • Nenad Stankovic

    Doctor of aesthetic medicine, dentist. International speaker

  • Denis Zaslavsky

    Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Member of the Board of Directors of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (Board Member EADV) from Russia, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Dermatovenerology at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

  • Gulnar Batpenova

    Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist, dermatocosmetologist of the highest category. Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, chief freelance dermatovenerologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Astana City Health Department, president of the Kazakhstan Association of Dermatovenerologists and Dermatocosmetologists (KADD).

  • Ludmila Sobolyeva

    Dermatovenerologist, doctor of aesthetic medicine at the Vek Adalin clinic. Medical advisor to KOMTI (Kazakhstan Organization of Mesotherapy), international speaker.

  • Yelena Neumyvakina

    Dermatologist, doctor of aesthetic medicine certified trainer of the GERnetic Synthèse laboratory (France), teacher-trainer of the EC "TEKOM", a member of the Eurasian Association of Injection Methods Specialists (EOSIM) and the Russian National Society of Mesotherapy (NOM), a member of the Association of Cosmetologists of Kazakhstan (AKKU), the Kazakhstan Society of Mesotherapy (KOMTI), Kazakhstan, a member of the Kazakhstani Association of Dermatovenereologists and Dermatocosmetologists (KADD).

PROGRAM (IV Mesocongress)
* Bring a friend!
Invite your friend and get a promotional price for you and your friend — 550 €!
Please note
The event program includes brand presentations exclusively in the following areas: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioreparation.

Brand presentations must be approved by the organizing committee 30 calendar days before the event.
We express our deep gratitude to the speakers of the fundamental reports of the III-International Congress of Mesotherapy Experts
We express our deep gratitude to the speakers of the III International Congress of Mesotherapy Experts
We want to express our deep gratitude to the organizers of the Congress!
We express our gratitude to our partners, thanks to whom we managed to draw up a program with the most effective and safe drugs, invite practicing successful speakers and hold an international event at a high level!

NGO Kazakhstan Society of Mesotherapy

For participation, please contact:

Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Karasay Batyra st., 134

(WhatsApp/Telegram) +7 701 472 7777 — Yegizbayeva Assel

IMPORTANT! If you need an official invitation on behalf of the organizing company, send us your data (such as first name, last name, passport number, country of residence), and we will send you an individual invitation!


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